Adoption Services
The needs of a child determines the types of services that will be provided, although the needs and interests of the birth parents and adoptive parents are also recognized. Catholic Charities Counseling and Adoption Services is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services for adoption services.
Adoption Plans
We work with birth parents who wish to make an adoption plan for their unborn child. CCCAS Adoption Services provides adoptive home studies, legal services, supervision of the placement until finalization and adoption preparation to the adoptive couple. Our organization works with county children and youth agencies to help children placed in the foster care system. We provide family profiles and training to families interested in providing permanency through adoption for children residing in PA who enter the adoption system.

Effective November 3, 2017, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) may release a copy of an original birth certificate to adoptees born in the state Individuals who are adopted must submit an Adoptee's Application for Noncertified Copy of Original Birth Record. Eligible applicants include the adopted individual and the lineal descendants of the adopted individual. No other individual, including adopted parents or birth parents, will be considered eligible. Contact the PA Department of Health to request a copy of the original birth certificate or for further information.
Adoption Records
Catholic Charities Counseling & Adoption Services maintains the adoption records from St Joseph's Home for Children. Birth parents who placed a child for adoption through this agency may contact us with updated medical history/information on themselves or family members. Birth parents are required to submit new information in writing along with a copy of their identification.
Birth parents who allow the disclosure of identifying information (name and contact information) by waiving confidentiality, must state permission in a written statement along with a copy of their driver's license or other identification. This letter is placed in the case file and is shared with the adoptee ONLY at his/her request. The agency does NOT contact the adoptee to inform him/her that a letter has been placed on file with the agency.
The biological siblings of the adoptee may also place a letter on file with name and contact info and given to the adoptee if he/she makes an inquiry about his/her adoption records. Proof of identification of the sibling is required along with the letter.